Kellenberger - Equinox PublishingMiracles, biblical inerrancy, hell, women in church leadership, creation, and the rapture-these are some key areas of concern for many in the church. Reading: Continue readings from last time. Apr 27: Conflicting Truth Claims of Religions. The purpose of this paper is to examine how religion, particularly in Asia, is being affected by the processes of globalization and also how religion an interdisciplinary academic journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of religious belief, behaviour and practice, both contemporary and historical.MIKEL BURLEY University of Leeds INDIGENOUS TRADITIONS A fascinating collection of essays by leading scholars in the field engage with the idea of religious pluralism mooted by John Hick to offer incisive insights on religious pluralism and related themes and to address practical aspects such as interreligious spirituality …Jul 05, 2012“Religion Versus the Religious,” and John Hick, “Religious Pluralism and Salvation,” both in Course Reader, pp. Hence it may be beneficial to offer a descriptive assessment of what is happening today across the range of its new questions, ideas and theses, as these are put forward by many authors in a wide variety of projects.EBSCO Information ServicesLike any other institution in society religion too has been caught up in the process and doubts are prone to arise, at times, whether religion itself has become an equal competitor in the process. This book provides an excellent critique of pluralism in general and J Book Chapters – – Religion OnlineFaith and Reason | Internet Encyclopedia of PhilosophyFeb 24, 2017Comparative theology is an exciting and quickly developing field within theology, and a relatively uncharted one. Netland, Dissonant Voices (Apollos, 1991), pp. 4 For a detailed treatment of this insight see H.A. Hick, An Interpretation of Religion (Macmillan, 1989), p. Ahmed, Postmodernism and Islam (Routledge, 1992), p. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity (Blackwell, 1980), p. John Hick, filósofo e teólogo - Instituto summary of Hicks pluralism and his global theology 1 Quoted in D.